The only thing worse than starting something and failing is not starting something. Today, maximum people are considered for establishing new business as an entrepreneur rather than working as being employer. But one don’t have idea for what to start. Most are even considering or have started the home based business or online business.
I was appointed for doing counselling in an Entrepreneur Event in Bibeksheel Nepali and there I saw the one who wants to have their own start-up. People always expect on have more and more business. As the one business goes smoothly they began to think for other.
As I entered into the topic and discussed about the entrepreneurship, opportunity, challenges, how to run business smoothly, even how to run one’s own business I found that they were curious about the topic.
An entrepreneur is someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise i.e. making one’s own decisions. It also helps in changing the thoughts and actions of people i.e. it is also known as an agent for change. Even helps in working or meeting with the remarkable people. Mainly Entrepreneur means you will be motivated for working on the field that you are interested or on the field in which you are export. Being self-employed through your own Craftsmanship and trading skills means you will be motivated for doing the related work and you will do it by your own willingness to do.
Being entrepreneur doesn’t mean you are not going to face any problems. Different challenges or problems used to appear. Facing problem doesn’t mean there are no any solution. Running away from problem also increases the distance from the solution. Main challenges will occur at financing. Every people who have ideas doesn’t mean the one must have good financial support. And the people who have good financial support doesn’t mean they have good ideas for doing business or have a good strategy for doing the business. Establishing a new venture means you have to do research first about the specific field and must know about each activity that may occur while implementing.
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For running any business smoothly you need to have proper plan for its day to day operation. And the business must be the one in which you are interested on. You should have to build a good network and should have to use that network. Good relation among the customer and the employee must be built so that the customer will remain on touch and employee will have good dedication towards work.
If you want to establish the new business. Don’t do in hurry. First of all select the field in which you are expertise and think that if you can do well. Start the idea which you have and try to add the unique and new features so that people would be attracted on. Experiment with some new ideas while moving so that you can bring some changes in the business. Never show anger, weakness and tiredness to other because there will be many people waiting for the chance on how to beat you.
So, for running your business smoothly being an entrepreneur is not easy task but it’s not so difficult also. You should have to know about how to handle the situations and how to keep good relationship among the employees, client.
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