Social entrepreneurs are individuals having a pragmatic visionary to establish an enterprise with the aim of solving social problems or social change. Social entrepreneurs drive social innovations and implement in the various fields of social sectors including health, education, environment and social development and welfare.
Social entrepreneur are similar to a business entrepreneur who builds strong and sustainable firms or organizations which are either setup for non-profits.
They deal with sensible and in a realistic way which is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations. They are with long visionary to impact good social change and they really hunger to become a part of social cause. They always look for creative and innovative idea to serve in the society. Social entrepreneur innovates by finding a new product, a new service, or a new approach to a social problem. They can twist existing approach to a new way to make it more effective.
A social entrepreneur plays a vital role to change the community and help to reduce the community problem in a creative and easy way. They usually play with the social problems, involve social community members and sometimes they work upon society.
Being a social entrepreneur, he/she must have the following qualities,
- Creative
- Self Confidence
- Ambitious
- Mission driven
- Optimistic
- Result oriented
- Good Planner
- Leadership skills
Besides these, there are some additional skills a social entrepreneur must have. They are like,
- Community driven
- Ability to make good judgement
- Networking skills
- Determination
- Ability to analyze a social problem
Social entrepreneurs can truly be socially and environmentally conscious. Some world renowned social entrepreneur are,
1. Bill Drayton
Bill Drayton is not just a social entrepreneur. He define and promote term Social Entrepreneurship. He is the founder and current chairman of Ashoka: Innovators for the public. It is an organization that dedicates itself to find and help social entrepreneurs around the world.
2. Muhammad Yunus
Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur, banker, economist, and civil society leader who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the Grameen Bank and pioneering the concepts of micro credit and micro finance. He has quite literally written the book on social entrepreneurship, sharing his expertise in micro-finance and social capitalism through some books.
3. Blake Mycoskie
He is a founder of TOMS, a business that donates one pair of shoes to needy people for every pair that’s bought.
In 2011, the company launched another initiative which aims to give away a pair of glasses or sight-saving surgery for every pair of sunglasses or glasses sold.
4. Yangmali Sahadev Rai
A social entrepreneur from Nepal. He founded a Yang-Ward Foundation, an organization that empowers single women in Nepal by engaging them in revenue-generating activities such as cash crop production, goat farming, and poultry farming to gain financial independence.
5. Mahabir Pun
Mahabir Pun is a Nepalese teacher, social entrepreneur and an activist known for his extensive work in applying wireless technologies to develop remote areas of the Himalayas, also known as the Nepal Wireless Networking Project.
He is a widely known figure in Nepal. According to Wikipedia, his work has been recognized by the Ashoka Foundation, the Ramon Magsaysay Foundation, University of Nebraska, and Global Ideas Bank.
Social entrepreneurs are playing a major role worldwide to make society and community even better place to live in. They are real heroes to serve their own land and society in a creative and innovative way.
Do you have any new idea that can impact the society? I have some few ideas and they are looking for proper implementation. If you have some spirit to work on those creative and innovative ideas, please comment or inbox me. We can do more discussion.
Thank you to all social entrepreneurs, your ideas and implementations are really amazing.
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