5000 theme reviewed by KafleG

5K WordPress Themes Reviewed! A milestone in My Contribution Journey

I’m thrilled to share that I’ve hit a milestone: I’ve reviewed 5000 WordPress themes!

It’s been quite a journey, and I want to thank each one of you for your support along the way.

When I first started, the idea of reviewing WordPress themes sounded interesting, but I didn’t know where to start. Now, though, I’ve turned that vague idea into a real skill.

So, come along with me as I share my adventure of exploring and reviewing WordPress themes!

A Journey from Volunteer to Full-Time Reviewer

The year was 2014, WordCamp Nepal was lively with energy. I was just an eager Volunteer. And guess what caught my eye? The Theme Review Workshop by Sakin Shrestha & Pratik Lal Shrestha

That’s where it all began for me.

Back in the day, I was pretty clueless about theme reviewing. I went to workshops and tried to understand. But it all felt kinda confusing. 

You know what? That first tiny bit of interest ended up being a big deal! It turned into this awesome path that’s been guiding me for years now. 

And, October 6th, 2015, is the humble beginning of my theme-reviewing journey with the Roman theme

During the workshop at WordCamp Nepal 2014, I got interested in reviews, but I started to understand it after I joined “Web Experts Nepal.” 

There, I met Nilambar Sharma, my theme review mentor. His guidance equipped me with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the exciting world of theme reviewing. 

After I started reviewing themes, Carolina Nymark also helped me a lot with theme review specifics. Each time I did a review, I learned more about WordPress themes. I learned from other reviewers too, and I got better every time.

I’ve gained valuable knowledge from Ari, William, Denis, and Acosmin. I extend my sincere gratitude to each of them for their guidance, teachings, and mentorship throughout this journey.

As I continue forward, I anticipate requiring further assistance in the days ahead. Thank you, my dear friends, for being prepared to support me.

This allowed me to transition into full-time theme reviewing. And after that, the workload went way up. From a manageable number in the pre-sponsorship days to a whopping 1100-1200 theme reviews annually!

Besides, the introduction of Block themes in WordPress further streamlined the process. These new themes, with their focus on block-based editing, made reviewing faster and more efficient.  

You can also learn more about my journey from an intern to WordPress themes team reps in the HeroPress essay.

Here’s a breakdown of my theme reviewing Journey:

  • Year 2015 – Year 2020: 1141 themes reviewed – a solid foundation laid.
  • Year 2021: 1114 themes reviewed – the sponsorship effect kicks in!
  • Year 2022: 1301 themes reviewed – productivity on overdrive.
  • Year 2023: 1036 themes reviewed – the journey continues.
  • Year 2024: 404 themes reviewed so far.
KafleG Theme Reviewed Number

But it’s not just about the numbers, it’s about the impact. With each theme reviewed, I contribute to enhancing the quality of the WordPress theme directory. Also, enriching the user experience for millions worldwide.

But the story doesn’t end there!

Thanks to the sponsorship, I’ve had the opportunity to expand my horizons. From hosting meetings and organizing WordCamps to actively engaging with the WordPress community.

Working with WordPress has been amazing! I’ve been able to help out in lots of different ways, which has been really cool.

Theme Authors – Thank you

Dear theme authors, thank you for creating WordPress themes and submitting them regularly in the WordPress themes repository. You all are amazing and listen to my every feedback and suggestion to make the themes better.

I love to see more themes from you, maybe more block themes.

So, what does the future hold? 

The world of WordPress is ever-evolving, and I’m determined to keep pace. I’m constantly learning, refining my skills, and staying updated with the latest trends.

This journey, from a curious attendee at a workshop to a full-fledged theme review expert, has been rewarding. It’s evidence of the power of mentorship, the value of sponsorship, and the ever-expanding possibilities within the WordPress ecosystem.

As I reflect on my journey, I realize that now, more than ever, the WordPress community needs dedicated contributors. With this in mind, I’ve decided to focus on promoting a culture of mentorship and collaboration within the WordPress ecosystem. 

I aim to empower and inspire others to join the ranks of contributors. Also, guiding them on their path towards becoming valuable members of this open-source community. I will work even more, be dedicated, and will be a more impactful contributor. But, I need you as well, because, from our common effort, we can make WordPress more better and powerful.

So, if you’re curious about theme reviewing, or the WordPress community in general, I urge you to take that first step. 

Who knows where it might lead? 

You might find something you love that makes you super happy and helps you reach your goals even higher!

You might just surprise yourself with where it leads!

Please use the comment section below to share any feedback or suggestions you may have regarding my reviews. Your input is valuable, and I am committed to enhancing my review process based on your insights.

Happy WordPressing!

5 responses to “5K WordPress Themes Reviewed! A milestone in My Contribution Journey”

  1. Matt Avatar

    Big congrats! That’s an awesome milestone. Themes are really the main gateway people have into WordPress.

  2. Rich Tabor Avatar

    I’m genuinely grateful for your reviews over these years. Thank you for your part in making WordPress what it is today.

  3. Manesh Timilsina Avatar

    Awesome! Keep up the good work.

  4. Sunita Rai Avatar

    Such a great news! Tons of congratulations!
    Also, thank you so much for your consistent and continued contribution to WordPress.

  5. Ahmed Kabir Chaion Avatar

    We should celebrate this when we meet again soon.
    I will be rooting for the 10K milestone whenever we may get there

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